Central Rescue Crusaders
Central Rescue Crusaders (CRC) is an Evangelistic team under Moi University Christian Union Main campus and a branch of CRC Kenya. It is a body of Christian students and associates from Nyandarua, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Murang'a, Kiambu and Laikipia counties bound together by common faith in Jesus Christ
- To deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of members.
- To witness the Lord Jesus Christ as God incarnate in Nyandarua, Nyeri,Kirinyaga, Murang'a, Kiambu and Laikipia counties
- Encourage social interaction among members
- To make contacts with other CRC fellowships in other campuses
Full membership is open to all students from the above named counties who are born again and registered members of Moi University Christian Union Main Campus. Special membership may be granted to any member of Moi University Christian Union who is born again and is not from any of the above counties. It may also be offered to all born again graduates and associates of other campuses apart from Moi University Main Campus. Associate membership is open to former members of CRC who are born again and are concerned with the of the objectives of
- Our weekly fellowships are every Saturday from 6:00pm to 8:40 pm.
- Our weekly prayers are every Monday and Thursday from 9pm to 10pm.
- We have retreats at least one every semester.
- We have an Annual General Meeting at the end of every spiritual year.