Uttermost Evangelistic Team
It is non-denominational ministry committed to prayerfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching, training, mentoring and community initiatives in Kenya.The fundamental belief that UET stands for, which is the foundation for its ethics and motivation for its activities include: Teamwork, Servant hood, Excellence, Integrity and purity, Transparency and accountability, Passion and compassion, Role modelling.
UET has been in existence since 1983 and has continued to grow from strength to strength in issues of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and mentoring young Christians in the University Branches. Overtime, the Team has undergone numerous changes either naturally or through re-engineering processes to remain relevant to a fast changing world. The Team has remained faithful to the great commission call by our Lord Jesus Christ “... Go ye therefore unto the entire world and preach the gospel....” Mathew 28:19-20
UET mandate is to fulfil the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ as in Mathew 28:19‐20“Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and Lo I am with you always even to the end of ages. Amen.
A leading organization in transforming the lives of people in Kenya by the holistic gospel of Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost.
As a non-denominational ministry, UET is committed to prayerfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching, training, mentoring and community initiatives in Kenya.
- To become a member of UET KENYA one has to subscribe annually with Ksh 100. After the campus one still remains to be a member of UET as an associate and they have their branches and fellowships/activities.
- Every branch (University/college level) is composed of members from the three Ukambani counties, namely Kitui, Machakos and Makueni and any other person from whichever the county who wishes to be part of UET and is up to the call.
- 3. Branches are too affiliated to the Christian Unions of their respective colleges.
- Fellowships every Saturday 6-9pm
- Prayers every Monday and Thursday 9-10pm
- Outreach to nearby churches on Sundays
- Prayer and fasting every Thursday
- A retreat once per semester
- At least one prayer week per semester, and another before every mission.
- Family meetings on Sundays
- Door to door within the campus
- At least one external mission (at Ukambani) per year and at least one internal mission per semester around the campus.