Moi university Christian Union is subdivided into several sections headed by the executive commitee.The aim of the Union leadership is to ensure the church growth and that members do not remain at spiritual level they were and be stagnated but to ensure positive progress and their growth to be people of great impact both in and out of campus.The committee is composed of eleven members with distinct roles it comprises of:.
- CHAIRPERSON :- Chairs the executive meeting and is the overall leader of the union
- VICE CHAIRPERSON:- The principal assistant of the chairperson and is also concerned with the welfare of the union
- SECRETARY :-Is in charge of keeping of all CU records and communicating with speakers to ensure they are well communicated to for ministering. Is also the one who keeps member’s records of the church
- VICE SECRETARY:- Is in charge of the AD-HOC which links the MUCU MC with associates of MUCU MC
- TREASURER:- Handles all the money matters of the CU
- WORSHIP CHAIR:- Directs all worship sessions and in charge of the worship committee which is composed of six ministries.
- BS DIRECTOR:- In charge of bible study organization in the church
- DISCIPLESHIP CHAIR:- Concerned of the growth of the church spiritually and is responsible for growth of new believers, baptism and discipleship of the believers
- PRAYER COORDINATOR:- Concerned with organization of prayer sessions in the Christian Union and organization of prayer sessions with other campuses.
- OUTREACH CHAIR:- In charge of outreach activities that the CU is involved in including crusades and evangelism both within and out of campus and also bring together all evangelism team members
- MEDIA CHAIR:- Concerned with all the media activities of the CU and is in charge of the media committee comprising of five ministries. Media chair is also mandated with taking care of the speaker who come to mucu for facilitation.