Nyanza Evangelistic Team
Nyanza Evangelistic Team (NET) is both a unit of the Moi University Main Campus and NET Ministries Trust which is a National body. Nyanza Evangelistic Team Moi University Main Campus Unit is a team of born again Christian students who have a calling to reach out to people in Nyanza province with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who are joined together with the heavenly calling according to the Holy Scriptures. And it declares that it shall be nondenominational, non-political, voluntary and non-biased
The main aim of NET-MUMC unit is to reach out to Nyanza province with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This broad aim shall be achieved by the following objectives:
- Organizing for missions and follow-ups to the various parts of Nyanza Province.
- To pray for God's favour upon the land of Nyanza province.
- Reach institutions in Nyanza province with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- To empower the youths within and without with the right doctrine and morals as pertains the Word of God.
- To deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of its members by the study of the bible, by prayer and by Christian fellowship.
- To respond to the members welfare needs where necessary, that is, in academics, spiritual, social and economic perspectives
Membership is open to any born again Christian comprising of both undergraduate and postgraduate students of Moi University Main Campus. It shall also be open to former students of Moi University Main Campus who are born again Christians and are concerned with the realization of the objectives of NET-MUMC Unit. Anybody who has a burden to reach out to the land of Nyanza and would like to identify with the NET-MUMC Unit are also welcomed to become member of our team
- Fellowships:-Held on any day deemed fit by the Executive Committee alongside the members
- Prayer meetings:-Held on any day that is conducive for Executive Committee and all the members.
- Annual general meeting:-This shall entail handing over and presentation of reports by the outgoing office bearers.
- The Missions’ committee organize and make necessary plans for NET-MUMC Unit missions after examining NET MUMC annual mission proposals and refered them to the Executive Committee for approval