Media Family

[THEME] 2 Corinthians 5:15

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

About Us

Imagine a team of vibrant, tech-savvy individuals who capture the essence of MUCU-MC through every lens and platform. That's the Media Family in a nutshell! They're the storytellers, the designers, the tech wizards who keep you connected to all things MUCU-MC. Their mission:

Shine a Light on MUCU-MC: They capture the spirit of the union through captivating photos, videos, and social media content. Think stunning visuals of worship services, heartwarming fellowship moments, and impactful outreach initiatives.

Amplify the Message: They ensure everyone hears about MUCU-MC activities. From designing eye-catching posters and flyers to crafting engaging online announcements, they make sure you're always in the loop.

  • Publicity and projection; decorates all the venues of the MUCU services and events. It also projects songs and Bible verses and any other necessary information during the church services
  • Website ministry; Maintain the church website and the social media platforms i.e. twitter and facebook. Liase with the secretary to the Executive Committee for communication with the associates and uploading of the mucu sermons to the church youtube channel, and the Campus Glory articles to the church blog.
  • Camera and photography; responsible for covering MUCU events through taking of videos and photographs which shall be edited and stored, either in softcopy or hardcopy for future use and uploading to the youtube channel in liaison with the website ministry leader.
  • Radio and TV ministry; hosting of the MU FM gospel hour and produce MUCU-MC KTS TV programs in coordination with the camera and photography ministry.
  • Editorial; publish Christian articles and pin them on the notice boards around the campus and uploading them to the church website in liason with website ministry leader.



