And so the question goes, Should I do what is my right or should I do what is right? Paul speaks about all things being lawful/permissible but he refuses to be mastered by everything. It is not everything that is lawful for us to do that we ought to do.
However, as believers, we have not been left in darkness and confusion about our RIGHT RIGHTS. As believers, we belong to a heavenly kingdom and we are in this world as pilgrims and ambassadors - representatives of another kingdom that is stronger than the Kingdoms that are in this world; and in that kingdom, there are rights and laws that guide us. Can we then at any point fear to enthrone the interests of the kingdom we represent with all its majesty? What a fool can an American ambassador be, to conform to the patterns of a weaker nation against his superior nation?
The rights of the citizens in every country are protected in a document called the constitution. Anybody who will violate the rights as stated in the constitution will be judged according to the constitution, not according to what the judge thinks or feels. The word of God in partnership with the Holy Spirit helps us to know and understand the right rights. As a Christian, you should live within the boundaries of the word of God and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Did you know that as an ambassador, you are never supposed to compromise the rights given to you by your nation simply because you are living in another nation? We are ambassadors of God; Children of the light. We are in the world, but we are not of the world. The world we are in has legalized many things, some of which are good and important to do but don’t be mastered by everything. You have the spirit of discernment to discern what is not Godly
The main problem that has led many people into error is because of ignorance/lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 says that the Lord’s people perish due to lack of knowledge. Most of the believers are comfortable with not taking time to study the constitution of the kingdom (Bible) nor have time to speak and consult with the giver of the constitution. All they know is what their country’s constitution and laws state. Believers if you want to understand and obey the right rights, don’t take for granted the secret place and the Christian disciplines of prayer, word, witnessing, and fellowship.
For instance, a debate on the educational qualifications for one to start a church is on the rise in Kenya currently. If such is passed to become a law, there are people who might be carried by such and they will raise funds to go and learn so that they can open a church. Others will find a basis to open a church because they have already attained the needed qualifications. If you ask such people why they want to start a church, they will tell you that it is their right. But the question is this, is it right? It is not right to start a church without the calling and sending of God. After all God’s qualifications are different from those of men.
In conclusion, let it be known that the rights we have in this world are important but they should only find a basis to be expressed in our lives if they are in agreement with the Right rights. As a believer make up your mind like Paul that even though everything is lawful, you will not be mastered by everything. Rememberit’s not just about my rights, but it’s about the right rights.