vMy experience in this position has been a new encounter with God and I have been growing from one level of grace to the next. It was a wonderful experience of making many friends and whenever we met for fellowships, meetings and any other activity, I always learnt a lot and enjoyed a lot from both leaders and CU members.
vI got a chance to meet great servants of God who came to minister and also meeting the leadership of Moi University including Prof. Paul Gigambo Okumu who challenged me that, ''when you learn to do, also learn to undo.'' and ‘‘if you have to drive, use more breaks than speed.'' And this is what has been leading me through.
vI also take this opportunity to also thank all MUCU-MC members for accepting me to be amongst your Leadership. I REALLY SALUTE YOUR SUPPORT. And I appeal to those that we wronged in various ways including not editing their photos in time, failure to record their programs that members were eager to watch, not publishing your articles in time to forgive us and always doors are open to give you the service that you need.
vTo my fellow Executive Committee, I pass my sincere gratitude for being my prayer partners and very supportive in seeing the growth of the church and more specifically Media Family.
vTo Media Family, through the wonderful committee I served with, I lack the words to describe your support and commitment to the service but I will only leave you with one verse from the book of Deuteronomy 28:12 that says, “The lord will open to you his good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the works of your hands. And you shall lend too many nations, but you shall not borrow.”
vLastly, to my interim Joseph Gatimu, I deeply appreciate the kind of support you gave me during my service and also accepting to be used by God to serve as the interim media chairperson. I salute you sir for the great work you have done in media.
- Shall be the link between the executive committee and the media committee.
- Chair media committee meetings.
- Handle the accommodation or Hospitality requirements of the speaker(s).
- Maintaining the database of all CU members and associates.
- Overseeing all Media family activities
vFamiliarizing myself with my leadership was a challenge. In some instances my friends could tell me “kumbuka wewe ni exec”
vGetting courage to always stand in front of people was a great challenge especially when I could be told to address the congregation.
vAt one point it became difficult for me balancing my time having class work and ministry at hand..
vMost of media family leaders were also leaders in other ministries and at e-teem level hence making them not to perform adequately to the tasks and have a problem in balancing the two thus some of the things remain hanging.
vThere were many people in need of my attention, prayer, advice and encouragements but I did not get a chance to attend to them all.
vDuring rainy season it was difficult for me to go for the speaker and take them to the guestroom to rest after they have ministered due to the “matopeni estate at stage on your way to the guestroom and maybe the speaker is a “Nairobian.”
vAlso some speakers could come with many friends and accommodating all of them was a challenge since we have one guestroom that can accommodate only two people.
vScarcity of committed members sometimes led to delay of performance of responsibilities especially in Editorial, camera and photography mostly in editing part and website.
- The greatest achievements I am proud of, is the number of students who got transformed through media family and their lives taking a turn around after being baptized and disciple.
- We had successful fellowships and prayer meeting that were very essential avenues for our member’s spiritual growth. Our fellowships are normally on every Thursday from 6:30pm – 8:00pm in NCT 2 and Prayer and fasting day on every Wednesday conclusion in LT 1.
- Unlike in the past, we had many getting the technical skills needed in serving in our various ministries. This led to many getting skills on photography and video editing, basic and complex editorial skills, operating a projector, hosting shows in the radio station, setting up the back drapes, website skills and many other skills.
- Proper record keeping of MUCU-MC church activities and sermons which is very crucial for the history of the church.
- Purchase of a new camera battery and we managed to repair the projection desk that was in bad condition.
- I was able to perform my duties as outlined by our church constitution and media practices.
- We successfully held media meeting together with media family ministry leaders that were aimed at seeing our ministerial functions successful.
- There is need for proper orientation for the incoming leaders in all positions in the church without forgetting the evangelistic teams.
- Prayers and bible reading needs to be taken seriously by all those desiring to serve God diligently and faithfully.
- Fellowships needs to be emphasized to all members and should be properly organized and operate within set timeline.
- Christian Union should work hand in hand with school leadership and students governing council as well to achieve harmony, peace and achievement of university mission and vision.
- To the incoming executive committee, there is need to invest more in media family to help achieve our goals.
- Proper and secure back up system is needed in helping store all our recorded activities and sermons, photos, written articles, magazines and bulletins for proper custody of the church’s history.
- To achieve efficiency and commitment by leaders in the service there is need for those elected to serve in media family not be allowed to serve in any other ministry so as to help them concentrate all their focus and attention to their roles since they need more of the time in editing videos recorded during the sermon, editing of articles presented by church members, preparing a magazine, etc. and also balance in ministry and study.
- Bonding moments should be emphasized to members and leaders stimulate growth and fellowship.
- SAUTI YA THAO SPEARHEADING COMMITTEE to take into consideration media budget, so as to enable smooth running of the media activities.
I would pray that the incoming media chairperson KELVIN OGADA Work very close with media ministry leaders and members and ensure that excellence and commitment is achieved in all the media ministry activities. Also key attention to delegation of duties by all leaders will help achieve excellence and balance in both academics and ministry. My word to you is from the book of Isaiah 11:2 “and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon you, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” And to media family members, the greatest favor you can do for me is to respect, support and hears from him the incoming media chair as you did for me.
In summary, church, indeed it is by God’s love and grace those we we’re able to stand. Even as we’ll be commencing a new spiritual year, let’s continue praying and seeking God’s guidance every time as we give ourselves to the service.
And as our Media Theme verse, ROMANS 12:11 enunciates: Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the LORD.
I will leave you with four phrases;
- 1. Don't wait to be cheered but cheer up to yourself.
- 2. Definition of happiness is you.
- 3. Be your own winner, winner always plan to be winners in their life.
- 4.According to psychology, personality of a leader, is that a leader requires…to wear the image of abundance and walk full of abundance
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Praise be to God our Father, I am grateful to God for the chance and opportunity to serve Him for this short period, to Him be all the glory and honor. I greatly thank the Lord for the Grace and Devine Enablement to serve Him in this capacity at such an ordained season. My gratitude goes to the substantive Media Chair Kelvin Walucho for his endless support in the ministry. A lot of thanks to the Media Committee for the great support and sacrifice during this period when most committee members were out of session, may the Lord graciously bless them. To the executive committee we served with, I’m most grateful for the support and serving the Lord together, may the Lord bless you. Not forgetting the media family, they have been a blessing to work with, fellowship together and serve together, may the Lord bless and increase them.
By the grace of God we have been able to achieve the following:
- We have been able to have the media fellowships without a failure since the semester begun. Together with the Media Committee, we managed to partially come up with semester program for Media Family fellowship and trainings.
- With the help of discipleship docket we managed to collect the first years data and have it in files.
- With the help of media committee we managed to feature MUCU events in posters for mobilization, make video recording and photography featuring MUCU events and services and uploading in various our various platforms.
- We managed to come up with a report on the approximate monetary value of media assets; this will help in auditing and in future projection of Media Budget.
- We also managed to come up with a proposed media budget and handed to the Sauti ya Thao Committee; the proposed budget will greatly improve on and upgrade the media assets.
- Together with the media committee we managed to come up with media night program which will take place the next Friday on 21st October 2022.
- By the help of God various dockets has been running well, radio show – gospel hour has been running well, with timely topics being addressed. Publicity and Projection has been well also, and managed to organize for a cleaning for backdrops and was a success. Camera and Photography has been running well featuring most of the MUCU services. Editorial and website ministries have also been running well as per the help of God, to God be the glory.
- The short period has been challenging especially because most of Media Committee members has been out of session, there has therefore been much workload to the media committee members in session ensuring the success of various ministries outside their dockets.
- It was a bit challenging to catch up with the docket requirements and serving in the exec since there was no induction when getting into the interimming period.
- Consider inducting the interim committee members just like the substantive committee while getting into the office. This will help in the awareness and smooth running of the docket without much straining.
- When some of the ministry leaders are out of session, consider looking for other ministry leaders to interim the substantive leaders. This will help share responsibilities and avoid burnout to few individuals.
- When planning for semester program, please avoid major activities around the transition period for smooth running and effectiveness.
- Consider inductive training of ministry leaders once they assume office to carry on the ministry leadership with effectiveness, understanding, and more so handle various equipment with much care.
It has been a great honor to serve the Lord in this capacity and for this period, I am grateful to God for the opportunity to serve Him. In this short period God has been working on me and I have been able to develop 3Cs which are Character, Content and Competence that today I greatly treasure. Thanks be unto God, all the support system He provided in the ministry, and all friends in MUCU.
To the incoming media chair – Kelvin Ogada, congratulations, may the Lord lead you throughout this season, He saw the end from the beginning and has therefore made everything you will need at such a time available a long time ago. May The Lord strengthen you in the inner man (Ephesian 3:16) to undertake this task, and you and lead you throughout this season to accomplish His will.
Report prepared by:
Joseph Gatimu
Interim Media Chair
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This paper report gives out a summary on how (as MEDIA DOCKET) we’ve ran our activities through the Semester that is from mid-March 2022-October 2022, The report outlines our experience throughout the duration; consummations, some of the arduousness encountered and recommendations. In media family we've 5 ministries each having a report as follows;
- Decorating the venues where the MUCU-MC events and meetings are to be held when advised so such as today.
- Projecting the necessary information during MUCU-MC church services.
- Publicizing the necessary MUCU-MC activities within the institution
ü We were able to do washing day this semester to ensure we clean all the church back drapes and any other assets belonging to publicity were recorded to keep track of them for incase they are borrowed.. Etc.
ü We managed to do our set ups in preparation for fellowship all services as it was required.
ü Projected all the information required during the service
ü We managed to conduct training on projection among the members and most of the members are well equipped with the projection skills.
ü We managed to repair the projection desk.
1. There is only one key to the store room which is with technician only and who most of the time come late hence effect on time for set up which is usually limited.
2. Response on Sunday set up sometimes is low turn up and people reach late hence the publicity leaders carry the whole task which can much sometimes.
3. Announcements and songs to be presented sometimes comes late and then we are blamed we did not present them and also the task of typing them we have not prepare any schedule thus is done probably by one or two person mostly.
4. There is no padlock in publicity boxes and even their lock is damaged and thus they are not secured and even when we are not in session some backdrops were eaten by mouse and rats and also it is easy to lose anything when store is not closed also.
5. Breakdown of MUCU MC lap-top.
Media chair should also have a spare key to store room to avoid any inconveniences
We should always be on forefront to try to mobilize on people even texting them in addition to message texted on what’s app or ensure we come with those living far especially our sisters because on Sundays morning is still dark even at 6am thus people fail to turn up early.
We should prepare a schedule of typing announcement or program for ensuring easy task in the docket. As we had planned that Friday announcements to be keyed in the announcement book by 2:00pm and Sunday announcement, including songs from the worship team by Saturday 2:00pm. Anything after that will not be projected.
To repair boxes and look for padlock.
Purchase of the projection laptop which is ongoing process, so members are encouraged to partake fully on SAUTI YA THAO INITIATIVE.
Church to purchase new back drapes and decors since some are outdated.
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Romans 12: 11
Never be lucking in zeal, but keep your spiritual favors serving the lord,
We greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we would like to thank the Lord because of his grace that has been sufficient to us throughout the season, and he enabled us to serve in camera and photography docket. Also we would like to thank media committee led by Kelvin Walucho for the endless support they gave throughout the season, In conjunction to that we would not forget the media family at large for the great service you did, May God bless you all.
- Be the grace of God we were able to take photos and videos during the church service and share them to the MUCU MC members through our social media platforms e.g. WhatsApp.
- Also we were able to train some new members on how to handle the camera, taking photos and also how to take videos.
- By the mercies of God we were able to edit and upload the sermons recorded during church service in our YouTube channel.
- During MUCU activities like "Eneza Amani Campaign”, we were able to take photos and videos and share them to members through our platform.
- Also we were able to mobilize new MUCU members to join camera and photography docket.
- We were able to get new battery.
- Low turn-up during the church service of members to assist in taking photos and videos.
- Few members who are skilled in editing the videos, hence few videos ware uploaded on MUCU YouTube channel.
- The camera stand loosens.
- The memory card had a small storage hence videos had to be deleted so that we can get space to record new videos.
- Few views on the videos uploaded on MUCU-MC YouTube channel.
We would like to recommend the following to the next camera and photography representative(s):
- To organize more trainings and train members on how to use the camera.
- Request the church to help in purchasing a new camera stand.
- Also organize on how to get a new memory card with larger storage.
- Mobilize new MUCU members to subscribe to the MUCU -MC channel.
- Mobilize media family members to help in taking photos and videos during the church service/activities.
Indeed it has been a journey full of the love, mercy and grace of God, All glory to him.
May God bless the media family, may the Lord continue leading us and walking with every member,
To the incoming team we wish you God's favour and heavenly breakthrough,
May God bless you, may God bless MUCU,
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This far the Lord has helped us, in Him we have found strength, grace and divine enablement to serve well for this season (spiritual year 2022). To Him be all the glory and honor. It has taken His hand and love for us to reach this far with His work that He had entrusted us with. May the Lord continue strengthening and guiding us in His work as He leads and humble us. Our heartfelt gratitude to media committee for the endless support throughout the period that helped co-work in various dockets and ensured no burnout in the service. Not to forget the media family members and discipleship team who have been so instrumental and helpful in ensuring the success of this ministry, May the Lord bless them.
Duties and Responsibilities
Editorial Ministry is Ministry under Media Family in MUCU whose main obligations are: publishing Christian Articles and pinning them on the various notice boards around the campus as well as uploading them to the MUCU website in liaison with website ministry leaders. The Ministry is also responsible for production of posters featuring MUCU events, coming up with and editing devotions as frequent as possible as well as publication of the campus glory magazine.
By the grace of God and help of media committee and MUCU members we were able to achieve the following:
- Publish several articles and shared soft copies in online platforms including MUCU app and website, some we printed and posted in various notice boards, to God be the glory. Among the articles published include:
Sacrificial love by Augustine Luyingwa
Rethinking the unreached by Grace Waithira
Jesus a man for All by Josephine Ngeloni
The heart of the matter by Jimnah Chege
The word of God by Edwin Ndegwa
The Myth of Inherited salvation by Muya Njoroge
Eneza Amani Campaign Articles
A Wounded Soldier is Still A Soldier by Jimnah Chege
True Wisdom by Frank Mungai
Wisdom in Small Things by Kennedy Iningu, among others.
- Creating awareness concerning editorial ministry and article writing during our meetings and retreats and encouraging church members, ministry members and the committee to write articles and they responded positively. This led to publishing of as many articles as possible at least two every week without skipping for the growth of the church members spiritually.
- Through the awareness, many of the church members were able to join the ministry after which we made follow ups through calls and texts and ensured they are in the editorial WhatsApp platform.
- In Liaison with Camera and photography ministry and the entire media committee we were able be consistently and always create posters featuring MUCU events and programs to sensitize the CU members to be partakers.
- By the grace of God we were also able liaise with camera and photography ministry and edit MUCU ministrations recorded and upload in the MUCU YouTube channel as the Lord helped us.
- Pressure from some of the church members who wanted their articles to be published as first as possible and the way they are without adding or subtracting anything.
- Failure to publish some articles since it reached a point that they were so many hence some could end up not being read due to overload. This also brought up some concerns from the CU member who wanted their articles published but were not. This was because some of the articles were substandard and not fit for sharing or not meeting the criterion described in the editorial clause.
- At some point there was inconsistency in article writing from the church, sometimes we had to intentionally request some people to write articles.
- Inconsistency in coming up with daily devotions.
- Workload at some point especially when the colleague was out of session, (in June-August Jose was out of session and Sep-Oct Shalom was out of session), it was a challenging season especially with striking the balance with course work.
- Encourage consistency in articles writing starting from ministry leaders, media committee, and ministry members to church members as well as creating awareness of the ministry and article writing. This will help to publish at least twice a week.
- Organizing for trainings frequently for the ministry members to ensure that they can also publish articles in order to assist editorial mum and dad to reduce workload.
- Make an inductive training to ministry members and church members of what is expected while writing the articles. This will help avoid writing content that is not fit and some articles not published.
- In case the ministry leader is out of session consider having an interim to stand in for him/her to avoid burnout and or neglecting other important chores.
- Look for ways to come up with daily devotions and keep the consistency. A suggestion would be to encourage all ministry leaders starting with media committee and discipleship to write on weekly basis to always ensure there is consistency.
- There could be a central theme for every week to give people a guideline, especially if it can align with the topic on Sunday.
- Keep following on ministry member and engaging them in publication and posting of articles so that there can be consistent growth from their side as well.
- Consider coming up with a booklet titled Campus glory, featuring various articles written during that season. It can include some poems, shairi or Swahili articles, composed songs or ministration by MUCU members
- Always Liaise with discipleship to ensure the content of articles being shared is fit for the CU and meets the criterion outlined in editorial clause in MUCU Media Policies.
In conclusion, it has been a great honor to serve the Lord in this ministry under MUCU, serving together in editorial has really helped us to learn a lot as we serve the Lord in the ministry. We thank God for teaching us to be humble, for leading us always and in deed He is our Ebenezer. To the incoming editorial dad and mum it our prayer that the Lord will always lead you to do His will for the next season.
Report Prepared and compiled by Editorial Leaders for the Spiritual Year 2022:
Joseph Gatimu Shalom Siko
Editorial Dad Editorial Mum
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We are very grateful to the Lord for the chance and privilege to have served in the media committee under the website docket. It has been a season of growth, learning and service in the body of Christ. We thank the Lord for His sufficient grace that has made our service not only possible but also delightful.
We thank the MUCU MC executive committee for the support, counsel and recommendations throughout our term of service. They have continued to show support to this ministry, by always reaching out and sharing insights and ideas.
We are also grateful to the media committee, under Our Chairperson Kelvin Walucho. They have been instrumental in seeing the growth of this ministry by offering any necessary ideas, support and assistance to help the ministry thrive.
We also acknowledge our predecessor Brian Murage for the thorough induction he offered us, and the technical assistance and guidance anytime I encountered a challenge.
Managing the MUCU MC social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Our website and Mobile app.
Uploading digital content through these platforms
Working with other dockets/ministries to share any information/content through the media platforms for the edification of the church.
- We frequently updated the MUCU MC online platforms, circulated event posters for sensitization and mobilization of members on MUCU programs.
- Integrated the app into several MUCU MC programs such as using it for event registrations, sharing devotionals and announcements
- We co-worked with the Editorial ministry to publish articles in the website as well as the mobile app.
- We also co-worked with the discipleship docket to work on devotionals for the app.
- Inadequate knowledge on various technical aspects of certain parts of the website administration made it hard to perform some updates or operations
- Making updates to the app was rather challenging due to the sophisticated tools and processes involved, this made making changes to the app slow.
- A low number of active users and followers in our online platforms
- Training on website administration in order to equip the leaders with all the necessary skills required to effectively manage the website. This can be done through video tutorials or written documentation explaining how to perform various tasks.
- Creating tools to simplify the process of making updates to the app – We are currently working on a website that will make creating updates in the app fast and easy and also more convenient. The website will be deployed as soon as it is through and proper training will be done to help the leaders get familiar with it.
- More mobilization on MUCU MC online platforms, especially on the app, in order to strengthen our online presence and reach more people using these platforms
- Coming up with ways in which the app can be adopted more increasingly in church programs in order to encourage its use, and also improve on convenience and communication where necessary.
Report written and compiled by:
Margret Mwende, and Frank Mungai.
Website ministry leaders 2022
This is to acknowledge MUCU-MC leadership, Media Family led by Chair, Kelvin Walucho and Mum, Sarah Njoroge, the committee & the entire Radio & TV Ministry membership fraternity for entrusting me with the leadership role. Above all, my sincere gratitude is to the Almighty Yahweh for being our everything.
This paper report gives out a summary on how (as Radio & TV Ministry) we’ve ran our activities throughout the season that is from mid-March 2022-October 2022, including several Shows that we hosted during the period. The report outlines our experience throughout the duration; consummations, some of the arduousness encountered and recommendations
Ü Generally, the mandates of Radio & TV ministry are to host MU FM gospel hour shows every Tuesday and ensure the production of the MUCU-MC MUTV programs in coordination with the Camera & Photography ministry.
- All of the programs’ applications and submissions were accepted by the administration.
- By God’s grace, we auspiciously hosted sundry Radio shows through the season, many of which we had invited guest speakers.
- One more great success that we’ve witnessed is the introduction and acceptance of our new MUTV program,” RAYS OF HOPE” which will be airing out every week. The program, “RAYS OF HOPE (Miale ya Tumaini)” is to reach out spreading the gospel through soul nourishing testimonies, interviews, edifying Gospel music and Biblical teachings.
- Most of the church (MUCU-MC) members are still not to the fully awareness the existence of Radio & TV shows.
- Low membership in the docket due fear of the unknown. This has created a great burden in the ministry for the few available members who are mostly elders and being that they’re quitting soon.
- The ministry was in destitute of an assistant leader.
- Lack of personal sound mics for the TV show presenters & panelists.
- Lack of radio show presenter’s broadcast headphones.
- Most of the Gospel Hour shows were not covered live thus limiting our audiences.
- There should efficacious awareness creation about the Radio & TV programs.
- Members of the church peculiarly Media Family those in the abaft years (1st, 2nd, & 3rd years) should be encouraged to join the Ministry.
- The incoming committee should consider proper program in liaison for the live coverage of the Radio shows.
- If possible, there is need to acquire multimedia headset/stereo headphones and lapel mics for the docket.
- Ensure early application for the programs in liaison with the stakeholders in the School of Information Sciences. Please follow up the MUTV program, “RAYS OF HOPE SHOW.”
- Drill more individuals to the docket.
In summary, indeed it is by God’s love and grace those we we’re able to stand. Even as we’ll be commencing a new season, let’s continue pray and seek God’s guidance every time as we give ourselves to the service.
And as our Theme verse, ROMANS 12:11 enunciates: Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the LORD.
The end of a matter is more important than its beginning. This marks the end of my term of service which was meant to prepare me for the Lord's intended purpose for my life.
I am grateful to God for trusting me with the assignment and for seeing me through in everything. His grace was sufficient.
MUCU fraternity, Media family and my friends feel acknowledged for your support.
Roles and Responsibilities
1. In charge of welfare of the media family.
2. Act as the secretary in her absence.
3. Perform any other duty as directed by the secretary.
1. was able to perform duties as were directed by the secretary.
2. I successfully catered for the welfare of: The media committee during theirs meetings, media family during media washing days and retreats.
Media treasury to avail welfare finances from the main treasury on time.
In conclusion, The Almighty God has been faithful throughout the term of service.
I love MUCU, we are a family we are one.
We are very grateful to the Lord for the chance and privilege to have served in the media committee under the website docket. It has been a season of growth, learning and service in the body of Christ. We thank the Lord for His sufficient grace that has made our service not only possible but also delightful.
We thank the MUCU MC executive committee for the support, counsel and recommendations throughout our term of service. They have continued to show support to this ministry, by always reaching out and sharing insights and ideas.
We are also grateful to the media committee, under Our Chairperson Kelvin Walucho. They have been instrumental in seeing the growth of this ministry by offering any necessary ideas, support and assistance to help the ministry thrive.
We also acknowledge our predecessor Brian Murage for the thorough induction he offered us, and the technical assistance and guidance anytime I encountered a challenge.
Managing the MUCU MC social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Our website and Mobile app.
Uploading digital content through these platforms
Working with other dockets/ministries to share any information/content through the media platforms for the edification of the church.
- We frequently updated the MUCU MC online platforms, circulated event posters for sensitization and mobilization of members on MUCU programs.
- Integrated the app into several MUCU MC programs such as using it for event registrations, sharing devotionals and announcements
- We co-worked with the Editorial ministry to publish articles in the website as well as the mobile app.
- We also co-worked with the discipleship docket to work on devotionals for the app.
- Inadequate knowledge on various technical aspects of certain parts of the website administration made it hard to perform some updates or operations
- Making updates to the app was rather challenging due to the sophisticated tools and processes involved, this made making changes to the app slow.
- A low number of active users and followers in our online platforms
- Training on website administration in order to equip the leaders with all the necessary skills required to effectively manage the website. This can be done through video tutorials or written documentation explaining how to perform various tasks.
- Creating tools to simplify the process of making updates to the app – We are currently working on a website that will make creating updates in the app fast and easy and also more convenient. The website will be deployed as soon as it is through and proper training will be done to help the leaders get familiar with it.
- More mobilization on MUCU MC online platforms, especially on the app, in order to strengthen our online presence and reach more people using these platforms
- Coming up with ways in which the app can be adopted more increasingly in church programs in order to encourage its use, and also improve on convenience and communication where necessary.
Report written and compiled by:
Margret Mwende, and Frank Mungai.
Website ministry leaders 2022.
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. First I would like to appreciate God for giving me the chance to serve in His sanctuary and for providing me with grace that was sufficient as Ephesians 6:24 says "Grace to all those who love Christ Jesus with an undying love." Special appreciation also goes to my friends who supported me and above it all they also gave me moral support when I felt things were too heavy for me and also prayed for me. Not forgetting MUCU MC for also giving me a chance to serve.
1.) To be the link between the MUCU MC Media committee and the treasury committee.
2.) Releasing funds as directed by the media committee.
3.) Be present during the counting of offerings.
4.) Any other duty allocated to me by the treasury committee and the media committee.
1.) Lack of equipment to enable us to Live stream quality videos in Facebook.
2.) Lack of commitment by members of the treasury committee to attend meetings.
3.) Lack of enough funds to purchase equipment.
4.) Mishandlement of media equipment.
1.) Purchase of EN-EL 14 battery camera.
2.) Two successful media nights.
1.) Proper training on the handling of media equipment.
2.) Commitment to the attendance of treasury duties and meetings by the incoming treasury committee.
3.) Purchase of media equipment
In summary, I can attest that it has been a great joy serving God in the sanctuary and I give all my gratitude to God. I would also like to thank the Media committee and Treasury committee for in them I got another family. To the incoming Media treasurer how I pray that the grace may be sufficient and that you shall also be submissive to God. Moreover, Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord always and lean not on your own understanding. God bless you. God bless MUCU MC.