Discipleship Family

[THEME] 2 Corinthians 5:15

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

About Discipleship Family

Discipleship Family is the spiritual backbone of Moi University Christian Union's MC. They equip MC members and ministries with faith-building training, nurture new students, and foster fellowship. Looking for a way to make a lasting impact on campus? Get involved with Discipleship Family and contribute to shaping the next generation of Christian leaders at Moi University.The family is ran by a committee consisting of the chairperson, secretary, treasurer and leaders of various dockets which include;

  • Best- P ministry; this ministry welcomes every member of the Christian Union who wishes to be a Bible student. It involves Bible teachings through regular Best-P trainings and also works together with the Bible study coordinators in developing the Bible Study guides.
  • Guidance and counselling; conducting peer counselling to members, training Christian counsellors and organising for seminars and workshops.
  • Library ministry; inchagre of Christian literature, lending and selling Christian materials to the church and keeping the MUCU MC files.
  • New believers docket; walking with the new believers and guiding them through the Christian foundations.


