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[THEME] 2 Corinthians 5:15

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 

Saturday, 15 October 2022 20:03

Report for the prayer docket, spiritual year 2022-2023 Featured

Written by Cardpher Amoi
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It is with much gratitude that I thank my Lord and God for the opportunity He granted me to serve in the office of the prayer coordinator since 13th March.It has been such a privilege and honour being used of the Lord throughout the season,serving Him according to the measure of grace accorded to me.It has been so much encouraging to know that the Lord is faithful through the mountains,through the valleys,through the darkest moments even to the very end.

It has been a season I have learned He is a God of mercy,slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love,He is a strength to the weak,hope to the hopeless,refuge to the outcast,light in the darkest moments and a present help in the times of need.

Since 13th March,getting into office,weak,fearful and naive,it has been season of making and remaking,forming and reforming,learning,relearning and unlearning,through the mountains,valleys,many waters and even through the fire.I am so much humbled and grateful to God for being in His mind and plan,going through His class in the ended season.

He began it and has surely brought it to an end.I am so much grateful to you,Oh God.

The prayer committee used to consist of the intercessory ministry,which was seen fit during the constitution review process to be extended to the whole church and not only confined to the intercessory team as a way of improving the prayer life of every church member.It now therefore consists of the chairperson,that is the prayer coordinator of MUCU MC,secretary,treasurer and the prayer coordinators of E-TEAMS,of whom from within shall be the vice secretary of the committee and the altar coordinator.

The prayer committee is responsible for overseeing the prayer coordination in MUCU MC,planning and coordinating prayer events and activities within and without MUCU,facilitating prayers during MUCU fellowships.

The intercessory fellowships that used to happen every Monday were replaced by prayer trainings for the whole church that shall be happening the second Monday of every month.


It is with much honour and gratitude too that I thank Him,the beginning as well as the end,for His grace and mercies,for having been a stronghold to me during my period of service,for if it weren’t for His grace,mercies and His hand upon me,then I wouldn’t have made it to this day.I acknowledge His hand and power to anything that is counted as a success during the time of service.Am also grateful to Him for the moments of failure and learning.

I also thank God for the executive and prayer committee members who were always available when called upon to help.Through them I felt strengthened,encouraged and revived to keep pressing on.Am forever grateful to God for you,being a family through which I could learn and be made.

Glory and honour be to God for my family and friends who always prayed with me and for me together with the prayer docket,just to see it the church’s prayer being strong.It was by your sacrifice and secret labour that I made it.

Lastly,I thank God for MUCU family for the opportunity to serve and grow in the Lord.I am grateful for your support,friendship and corporation when called upon.May the Lord bless you.


v  By God’s grace,the committee was able to plan and coordinate three prayer weeks,of which two climaxed with church cooperate prayers in the MUCU bush altar.

v  With corporation with the worship docket,the committee mobilized and planned for two SPM trainings and keshas that took place at Eldoret town.

v  By God’s grace the committee planned,mobilized and coordinated the happening of two prayer keshas for MUCU MC Members,that were effective and successful.

v  The committee organized and foreso the working of the prayer chain during the Turkana mission while the missioners were in the field.

v  The committee introduced the Tuesday church prayers to be taking place in Bible study venues for effectiveness of the prayers,contrary to there happening within the school premises.

v  The committee co-worked with other dockets to run church activities enhancing oneness,which helped appreciate coexistence of every docket for the growth of the church.For example,the committee worked with the discipleship docket in preparation for baptism,worked with the worship docket to effect thanksgiving services,worked with bible study docket by taking the Tuesday church prayers to be happening in the bible study groups and also worked with the media docket to help inform and mobilize church members on prayer programs and activities.



  • Low attendance of prayer meetings i.e,Morning glories,Thanksgiving and almost to none on Wednesday church prayers.
  • Tendency to think that prayer meetings are only to be attended by those referred to as ‘’intercessors.’’ And they are the ones responsible for standing in the gap always as the rest be at their comfort.
  • Fake knowledge on prayer and influence of social media where some members listen to online intercessors and try replicating their way of prayer into their prayer life.It hinders the growth of ones prayer life and gives a false impression of having grown.
  • Unconducive condition of the altar during rainy seasons as the roof leaks making the carpet and mat wet,producing odor and also quick wearing out of the carpet.
  • Negative attitude towards prayers,most members came late for the service,close to the end of intercessory session.Some prefer holding practices and attending/overextending ministry fellowships during prayer time.


  • The prayer committee to work closely with the Bible study docket for coordination and running of the Tuesday prayers.
  • More emphasis and mobilisation to be placed and done on the church prayer and fasting day,that is on Monday and Wednesday church prayers from 8pm-9pm.On Monday,the prayer items to be always sent on time.
  • The committee to work with other dockets to enhance smooth running of the prayer programs and activities.
  • The committee to follow up with the administration through the chaplain concerning the repair of the altar,a request letter for the repair of the same has been submitted to the chaplain’s office.
  • To the church,there is time for everything,let prayer time remain to be prayer time,time to prayer is not the convenient time to carry out practices either for praise and worship or instruments,specifically,or time for fellowships or discipleship,specifically narrowing down to Monday and Wednesday prayers.
  • Thursday ministry fellowships to be concluded in time and all members to attend E-TEAM prayers.
  • Prayer is not a responsibility accorded to few,it’s everyone’s responsibility and therefore it is a plea to all of us to pray,if you aren’t found in the place of prayer,then there’s no one going there on your behalf.No one is assigned to be praying on your behalf.Kindly make prayer your lifestyle and not a key to be twisted only when need arise 


In conclusion,I am grateful and thankful to God for the opportunity I had to serve,it is and will always be a priviledge.Unto you my successor Mary Anne,I am also grateful to God for you,as you take up position in the office of the prayer coordinator,as it was dedicated to me so do I dedicate the same to you,Ezra 10:4.As you serve,assuredly troubles will come,but be of good cheer,He who called you overcame.

I am happy and glad for the team taking up office,may you never tire,may you not grow weary and may the joy of the Lord be your strength.

Read 1249 times Last modified on Saturday, 15 October 2022 20:22

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