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[THEME] 2 Corinthians 5:15

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 

Saturday, 15 October 2022 20:10

Report for the outreach docket for the spiritual year 2022-2023 Featured

Written by Dalmas Musyoka
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Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ,My sincere gratitude to God for the calling to ministry and such a great privileged to serve Him in His Holy church ,the testimony that I now have is that while He calls men He calls men to work on them while they are working in His vineyard it has been such a wonderful experience and nothing satisfies like serving God and would call all of us today when called upon in anytime or in any way to serve God to accept the call because while He calls you His assurance is that He will be there to support and see you through the tasks assigned to perform in His vineyard. Today i stand before all of us as a testimony that surely it has taken His hand this far and thus far has the Lord helped me, it has been journey worthwhile full of beautiful memories as ive been able to make new friends in ministry and also met with people who have greatly influenced my life to live for God and to desire to always give my best while serving Him and in the difficult times the Lord has held my hands and it’s in this time that I have felt His hand and His presence near me I give God all the glory.


Special thanks to all my fellow brethren’s that we have served together in the vineyard, to the entire executive committee I thank God for the support that you have at all times given me that even in the hard times with ease I could just pull through may our good God surely reward you and also I’m so grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful friends whom now I’m confident that even in future I can rely on them the Lord bless you men and women of valor, my prayer is that service to God won’t be stopping after today but the training that the Lord has passed us through we are going to accept to the call and follow Jesus Christ wherever He leads in direction of life for those who He will call to various ministries in days to come, the Lord bless and preserve you blessed servants of God.

To all my dear close friends who throughout this period of service held my hand and always encouraged me when I felt like breaking down may the Lord bless you so much, your reward is in His hand and always feel treasured and God keep and preserve you for even generations to come, surely the journey would have been so tough without you may the Lord do you good and always be your closest friend at all times.

To the entire outreach committee members and all the committees in outreach I would love to give a special gratitude from my heart for your dedication and commitment to serve the Lord you used to encourage me to serve God by supporting me and always praying with me thank you for your zeal to serve the Lord may the Lord bless you and sustain you wherever you will ever be. To the Jet men and women of God I thank God for the wonderful team that He called to serve Him as shepherds in our various dear E-teams, may the Lord bless you dear servants and friends in ministry. For the Turkana mission committee may the Lord bless you for the dedication and commitment in seeing the mission done at Loima Hills for the glory of God, mine to you is just a prayer to you that the Lord will fulfil all your heart desires according to His will for His own glory and satisfy you early with His mercies that you’ll live to full age in and enjoy the good of the earth on the land of the living.

Finally, to the drama ministry, children ministry and the evangelism ministry leaders may the Lord bless you so much for your devotion in serving the Lord and your dedication to serving God may the Lord bless you so much you used to encourage me and motivate me in ministry may the Lord do you well your generations are blessed of the Lord, keep serving God and living for God in and out of season until when when He comes back for His church.

The outreach docket consists of three ministries, that is:

ü  The children’s ministry

ü  The evangelism ministry

ü  The drama ministry

And also, we have the special missions committee which plans for both external and internal evangelism outside and within the campus such as organizing for varsity mission and organizing for external missions to reach out to communities outside the campus for the glory of God.


Within the period of service by the grace of God we’ve been able to do the following

vContacting of door-to-doors every Thursday within the campus where many souls turned to God.

vContacting of evangelism trainings to equip the members on reaching out to fellow students and even outsiders about salvation.

vOrganizing crusades and open-air evangelism campaigns where many turned to Jesus Christ both during the Jet week and on church open air crusades within the campus.

vOrganized for Kairos evangelism program to equip members on cross cultural missions and the great commission.

vOrganized and carried out the Turkana mission at Loima Hills for a 9 days mission.

vOrganized and participated in the Eneza Amani Campaign to champion for peace towards elections.


  1. Low turn ups at the times of door-to-doors due to time schedules which could at times coincidence with evening classes hence low cost.
  2. Low training of members during evangelism training which has led to fear of some members to go for the door-to-doors.
  3. Late attendance of the members during the door to doors.
  4. Every time door-to-doors and open-air crusades are carried out there has always been a gap in bridging between the new believers follow up until those who give their lives to Christ have been rooted in Christ.


  • I recommend that there be proper mobilization of the members for evangelism trainings to see the entire body of Christ equipped for the great commission.’
  • Due to inadequate time, we were not able to revive the high school ministry and weekend challenges for high school ministry.
  • I recommend my predecessor to consider looking for more opportunities which are involvolving to all church members on mobilization for the evangelism around campus which will see everyone equipped for the great commission.
  • My predecessor to consider seeing a better way of follow up to those who have given their lives to Christ until they are fully established in Christ for His glory.
  • Lastly, I recommend my predecessor to consider seeing such evangelical topics to be handled in the church to train members on evangelism.


Without denial ive learnt in the short while that the Lord has enabled me to serve Him in His vineyard that He is not ever done with us and He’s constantly helping us to understand Him and to trust Him while He takes us through hard times and difficult seasons in our lives,

Once He calls again to serve i will diligently and obediently answer to His call for, He calls us with an agenda to establish us in His will.

To my friend and my predecessor James Mukundi, I commend you finally to the grace of God be strong and courageous in Him He has called you to serve Hum with an agenda and I pray as you serve that He may show you His will and establish you in Himself in this new season, but the most important thing desire to know what He wants you to do over this time more than what you can do by yourself and may He establish you to walk in His paths. He’s so reliable, He’s so dependable, depend on Him more than what you can do by yourself He has a purpose and a reason why He has called you, do the work of an Evangelist with confidence and joy.

2 Timothy 2:15- “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. “Do the work of an evangelist so that when the Chief Shepherd appears you will receive the crown of life.

To the church I pray that you will support my brother and encourage Him in ministry as we trust God together to seeing that the entire campus saturated with the word of God, so that those who haven’t come to the marvelous Light of our Lord Jesus Christ may come to Him and turn from their ways for the glory of God, we all we are ambassadors of Christ and beseech that we work together to seeing the entire campus coming to the knowledge of Christ.

Hebrews 10:25” Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching”.

To God be the glory,






11th October 2022.




I humbly take this opportunity to thank Almighty God for the far He has brought us as a ministry. The Lord has been gracious unto us and we have been able to see Him work through us and in us as a ministry. We began the spiritual year on a good note compared to last spiritual year and since taking charge of this wonderful ministry I have seen God elevating us from one level of grace to another. I recall being shy at first as a leader but being the chair has made me learn a lot from the experiences I`ve been through. It has also allowed me an opportunity to grow in my personal relationship with God and exposed me to a lot of leadership skills. It`s been a wonderful journey serving in drama as chair again for a second term.

As a ministry we pass our sincere gratitude to the church through the outreach committee for their continued support through prayers, the love they have shown us and the opportunity to minister in Friday fellowships and during special occasions such as Turkana giving and peace campaign week. We appreciate your commitment in doing God`s work. It has been a great blessing serving under your care. I would also like to thank the drama ministry members for the commitment they have shown in serving God through drama ministry despite their busy schedules. They have shown immense support to the ministry through their prayers and participation in the fellowships and ministrations. May the Almighty God continue blessing drama ministry and MUCU as a whole.


As a ministry these are the achievements, we have been able to realize since the beginning of the spiritual year:

ü  Successful planning and carrying out of fellowships which has been beneficial to the growth of the members as we tackled various issues affecting us in our day to day lives.

ü  We have been able to effectively minister on well written and planned scripts to address various issues in the church and remind brethren on God`s Word.

ü  Constant involvement of the ministry in special events like Turkana mission giving as well as peace campaign week.

ü  We have witnessed growth in the ministry through increased membership.

ü  Increased zeal and passion in serving God through drama ministry amongst the members as more members would consistently be found standing in the gap on our prayer day every Wednesday with the desire to seeing the ministry grow.

ü  Successful planning and participation in the prayer retreat where we prayed over various issues regarding the ministry.


The following are the challenges we faced as a ministry:

vLack of proper lighting in the venue allocated to us for our activities which really posed a challenge more so in conducting fellowships.

vStorage issue; as a ministry we would still love to see most of our ministrations being stored safely for future reference and also to guide those who come after us.

vThere was also a situation whereby many members put more emphasis on pulpit ministration and fail to show up during fellowships and prayers meant for their spiritual growth thus neglecting individual growth at the expense of ministrations.

vCollision of events like in the case of our Monday fellowship where we saw other members who had the desire to do BEST-P being torn between attending drama fellowship or BEST-P.

vTight academic schedules also had many members fail to show up in some of the activities organized by the ministry leading to a postponement of the activities and some even being called off altogether.

vFewer joint fellowships/retreats with other outreach ministries which limited the opportunity for interaction and bonding amongst our members within the outreach family.


Below are some of the recommendations:

  • There is need for allocation of some little funds to the ministry to aid in acquisition of lights as well as storage device for ministrations.
  • More opportunities to minister such as re-introduction of high school rallies and invitations to other campuses.
  • Discipleship of ministry members so as to strengthen their personal relationship with God and to allow for individual growth. This will help in realizing a growing ministry that is able to reach out through evangelism both within and outside campus. With individual growth, the ministry also grows because members also have to be equipped with God`s word for effective ministrations.
  • Advice given to members not to have themselves registering in multiple ministries to allow for effectiveness in terms of ministry participation.
  • Through cooperation by ministry leaders, more joint fellowships/retreats to be organized at the beginning of each semester for the whole outreach family to allow for interaction and bonding amongst members in the outreach family.


As a ministry, there are visions we are also looking forward to accomplishing:

     Re-introduction of high school rallies and drama nights so that we would have more opportunities to minister.

     Production of series, films and video clips that touch on various social issues affecting Christians.

     Increased participation by drama ministries in outreach activities especially missions and other rallies.

We trust that God will lead us to a realization of these visions. With God all things are possible. We are also living in a generation that is more receptive to entertainment and it is my desire that we see drama ministry being more involved in terms of evangelism.

All Glory to God.

Report compiled by,

Wilson Okonjo

Drama chair.

19th July 2022.

Read 394 times Last modified on Saturday, 15 October 2022 20:24

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